Administration Tasks Best Practices

Although this list is not exhaustive, it outlines some essential duties an administrator must perform.

  1. Maintain username/password policy of AD use in directory configuration

  2. Maintain and back up the latest and most updated version of /opt/atscale/conf/atscale.yaml

  3. Always backup AtScale before running the installer (upgrade or classpath update, etc.) tar -cvzf atscale.tar.gz /opt/atscale/*

  4. Free space including 32 GB in /tmp as it is being used for staging dir

  5. Do not delete any system files. Typically postgres logs are the only files not rotated. Those are OK to delete, but it is a good idea to keep 1 week's worth of logs

  6. Do not collocate Atscale on the same server as with other processes, such as Hadoop

  7. In the Kerberized environment, synchronize Kerberos password reset with Hadoop account resets. Maintain schedule and know when to distribute new keytabs and test

  8. Ensure that the AtScale node is appropriately scaled and that it is not overutilized

  9. Maintain a consistent security model across all environments (group-to-role mapping, cube security, etc.)

  10. Take note of every configuration change.

    • For engine settings saved in the database, take note and write down the reason and case number why the change was suggested.

    • For app configs, adjust custom.yaml with the change, or take note if it needs to be adjusted after the installer is rerun for an upgrade or other reasons.

  11. Do not change atscale service users or other significant configuration changes before talking to the AtScale team if the change is needed. Always back up before the change.

  12. Understand cluster resources and scalability requirements such as YARN queues as your workloads grow.

    • Aggregate batch requirements

    • Interactive queries and SQL engine requirements to scale

  13. Backup and restart AtScale prior upgrade

  14. Notify AtScale Support and send a case to support two weeks before the upgrade for planning. Note manual configuration changes so those can be reviewed with support/PS

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