How to Upload Files to the AtScale Support Upload Portal


Customers should follow these steps to upload data to the AtScale Support Upload Portal (the site): 

  • Download and/or prepare the data to be uploaded to a local drive or account.
  • Log in to AtScale Upload and enter these credentials into the following fields:
    • Username: atscale 
    • Password: atscale_upload 
  • Select Choose file[s] and the files to be uploaded. 
  • Select Upload

The files will be uploaded to the site, and a progress indicator will show the progress of the upload. Once the file has been uploaded, the interface will show a green check mark under the file to indicate that it was uploaded successfully. Customers should wait for the green check mark to signal that their file was uploaded successfully. Since there have been some instances of the file reaching 100 percent without uploading, the customer can assume that the upload didn’t finish and try again. 

Upload Stages 

The following screenshots show the stages for files uploaded to the site:

Figure 1: The site after logging in and before any files are selected. 

Figure 2: After choosing a file but before selecting Upload 

Figure 3: An upload in progress 

Figure 4: A green check mark indicating a successfully uploaded file 


Additionally, specific help with uploading log files can be found in this related KB article: 

How to Download Support Logs and Upload to AtScale FTP Server

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