How to Automate Support Bundles

Create a script that automatically sends the support bundle utilizing the Unix crontab scheduler and scripting.

You can customize the script to identify where the location of the support bundle needs to be and the frequency of sending the bundle. 

All you need is a crontab & script file. 


  1. Set up a crontab
  2. Execute crontab -e 
  3. Add: 
0 1 * * * / 

#this means the file will be executed at 1 am daily 


Example script name: 

Step 1. Create a directory of where the support bundle needs to go 

Step 2. Create a file 

#add the new script here for the modeler log 

export jwt=`curl --insecure -s -X GET -u admin:"password" "http://localhost:10500/default/auth"` curl --insecure -o -H "Authorization:Bearer $jwt" /home/atscale/support/mycompany-`date +%Y-%m-%d`.zip http://localhost:10502/support/all? 

curl -X POST -F 'myfiles=@/home/atscale/support/mycompany-'`date +%Y-%m-%d`'.zip' --user atscale:atscale_upload 

find /home/atscale/support/mycompany* -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \; 

find /opt/atscale/log/*/*.log* -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \;


Step 3. Update the script with the file's location and mycompany to easily identify where the support bundle comes from. To change the host/port #, contact the AtScale Admin for information about how they configured the AtScale ports/host. 

Step 4. Chmod to be executable 

Step 5. Contact AtScale Tech Support and ask to verify if they received the file named <mycompany-[date]> 


Update the script depending on which AtScale version is deployed. You need to add these at the beginning of the script.

AtScale 2022.2 and earlier releases 

gzip -f /opt/atscale/log/modeler/Modeler.log 

mv /opt/atscale/log/modeler/Modeler.log.gz /opt/atscale/log/modeler/Modeler-`date +%Y-%m-%d`.gz 

touch /opt/atscale/log/modeler/Modeler.log


AtScale 2022.3 and later releases 

gzip -r /opt/atscale/log/modeler 

mkdir /opt/atscale/log/modeler/`date +%Y-%m-%d` 

mv /opt/atscale/log/modeler/*.gz `date +%Y-%m-%d` 

touch /opt/atscale/log/modeler/auth.http.log /opt/atscale/log/modeler/ /opt/atscale/log/modeler/modeler.http.log /opt/atscale/log/modeler/


Another option, with root access you can create a log rotation in /etc/logrotate.d

Create a file atscale-modeler 

/opt/atscale/log/modeler/Modeler.log { 



rotate 24 


maxsize 1G 




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