Deploying AtScale Query Engine

On-Prem Query_Engine

This document will serve as guidance on how to deploy Query_Engine for AtScale.


  • Three EC2 instances + n instances for query_engine
  • Two network load balancers (NLB)
  • Seven target groups
    • 3 for the Developer access port
    • 4 for Runtime user access port
  • Port remap in yaml for query_engine to 10502 (optional)


AtScale yaml file:


  memory: 31G


- dnsname:



      id: 10


  - message_exchange

  - schema_registry

  - agent

  - ingress

  - message_bus

  - service_registry

  - egress

  - search_index

  - coordinator

- dnsname:



      id: 20


  - database

  - service_registry

  - egress

  - modeler

  - gov_rules

  - engine

  - gov_enforce

  - agent

  - coordinator

  - orchestrator

  - ingress

- dnsname:



      id: 30


  - database

  - service_registry

  - egress

  - modeler

  - gov_rules

  - engine

  - gov_enforce

  - agent

  - coordinator

  - orchestrator

  - ingress

- dnsname:


  - schema_registry

  - message_bus

  - egress

  - search_index

  - ingress

  - service_registry

  - message_exchange

  - agent

  - query_engine




      http: 10502

installation_location: /opt/atscale


  enabled: false

  keytab: /opt/atscale/conf/atscale.keytab

  principal: atscale/



  memory: 31G

service_account: atscale


  certificate: /opt/atscale/conf/server.cert

  enabled: false

  key: /opt/atscale/conf/server.key


After completion of the AtScale deployment, the next step is to map the target group into NLB.

Load Balancer

Create target group





The reason we created two separate target groups is that the query_engine component doesn’t come with the modeler. That’s why we need to create two separate groups to avoid confusion during the development process.

Once you have completed the mapping, attach those targeted groups to the NLBs.


Configure the Load Balancer

Create two NLBs.

Point the appropriate target group with the right NLB. The user access should have only the AtScale cluster, and the Runtime user should utilize the query_engine.

Update the Engine

Engine setting needs to be updated:


Make sure you use the http/https format, as seen in the example below:


Make sure you use the http/https format, as seen in the example below:


The reason why we need two load balancers is that query_engine doesn’t have a modeler component. When you only set one load balancer, you might encounter a 50% chance of failure during development, because the load balancer points the session you are working in to the query_engine. The only way to avoid this issue is by creating two separate LBs, so that the developer utilizes two AtScale clusters, and a runtime user utilizes the query_engine + AtScale cluster.

The default port of query_engine is 10541; this port must also be remapped in the yaml to communicate with the rest of the AtScale query cluster. 

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