Introduced this new function in I2024.2.0 to provide full server-side control over tuple evaluation that is completely decoupled from the query's grouping or filter context.
- ALLMEMBER(tupleExpression)
This function evaluates the tupleExpression argument as if all other data model hierarchy references explicitly reference the hierarchy’s ALL member. This prevents the BI Tool user from influencing the tuple expression result by grouping or filtering on other dimension hierarchies. Similar to the DAX ALL(<Table>) filter function.
- ALLMEMBEREXCEPT(tupleExpression, {hierarchies})
This function evaluates the tupleExpression argument as if all other data model hierarchy references explicitly reference the hierarchy’s ALL member with the exception of the hierarchies listed in hierarchySet. This prevents the BI Tool user from influencing the tuple expression result by grouping or filtering on other dimension hierarchies with the exception of the listed hierarchies. Similar to the DAX ALLEXCEPT(<Table>, [Columns]) filter function.