AI-Link 2.8.0 Release Summary

Release 2.8.0 - Summary

The 2.8.0 version of AI-Link was released on August 12th, 2024.

This release of AI-Link improves usability and stability of the code base. It is the final planned major release of AI-Link for the AtScale Installer-based product.

Main components of this release include:

  • Improvements to the get_data variants to enable working with calculation groups
  • Writeback and its variants can now verify the AtScale service account has access to write destination
  • Bug fixes around writing empty tables using writeback
  • Removal of many of the enums classes into private directories to reduce the public side of the code base

Please refer to our API documentation for the latest syntax to use with AI-Link. See below for updates associated with this release.

New Package Requirements

  • To avoid issues with sub-dependencies, AI-Link 2.8.0 will only work with pandas versions less than 2.2.0

User Flow Improvements

  • get_data and its variants can now leverage calculation groups using the group_by parameter
  • writeback and its variants and get_dimensions can now verify the AtScale service account and can see write destinations using the check_permissions parameter


AI-Link Product Documentation

For the AI-Link 2.8.0 Release Notes, click here.

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