AtScale provides several different methods on access its Semantic Models from 3rd party tooling, each of which has its own set of features and benefits.
In order to verify these tools AtScale has created this attached PDF which potential partners and customers can use to verify that the tool of their choosing can properly interact with AtScale's semantic models.
We have established three separate tiers of support for these 3rd party tools
- Premium
- Compatible
- Community
We'll break down each one and highlight the features and benefits of each tier below.
This is the highest tier for a 3rd party tool to achieve. In order to have this classification, the integration is considered a part of the AtScale core platform and is verified and QA'd as such.
These integrations are supported by AtScale Support as well as AtScale Engineering, so if there is ever a change needed or a fix required, AtScale is commiteded to deliver.
AtScale Documentation will also contain reference material to these integrations , which can all be found sub-headers to this topic in our documentation system. These integrations can also be found in the Integrations section of the AtScale website.
These tools are currently our Premium Tier Integrations
- Microsoft PowerBI
- Tableau
- Looker
- Excel
- Jupyter
A Integration is considered Compatible with AtScale when the attached document to this article can be completed without any blocking failures. It requires a partner organization submits this completed set of tests to AtScale and verification by AtScale's team to the veracity of their responses.
Any tool that has a Compatible Integration will get a corresponding landing page in the Integration section of the AtScale website as well as a Knowledge Base article highlighting how to connect to the tool in question.
These integrations are not managed through the AtScale Engineering or QA teams, and therefore are not supported by the AtScale Support staff beyond a reasonable best effort. On occasion users of these integrations may be asked to reach out to the 3rd party BI tool vendor for assistance and next steps.
These tools are currently our Compatible Tier Integrations
- Klipfolio
- ThoughtSpot
- Sigma
- Qlik
Community Integrations are those that have failed to pass the Compatibility test, or for whatever reason are being used to compliment AtScale in a different way. While these may not satisfy every scenario outlined in the assessment doc attached to this article, that does not mean they do not offer value add to either the BI tool in question or AtScale. There are often times when specific features are not required to achieve the business outcomes required, and this category allows for the support of those integrations.
As with Compatible integrations, these are not managed through the AtScale Engineering or QA teams and therefore are not supported by AtScale support staff. Some inquired may be re-directed to the 3rd party vendor for further assistance.
These tools are currently our Community Tier Integrations
- Metabase
- Superset
- AWS QuickSight
- Qlik
- Knime
- Microstrategy Desktop
- Business Objects