Using AtScale, when the user makes a Fact to Dimension Join, AtScale enforces Inner Join by default.
Use the following method to change the Join to a Left Outer Join (all rows from the Fact table and matching rows only from Dimension Tables)
1. In Design Canvas, navigate to a dimension
2. Double click on a hierarchy Level (on which you want to place the left outer Join)
3. The "Edit A Level" dialogue will be opened.
4. Under "Date Handling," check "Custom Empty Member" and define a label for the empty fact rows (the result of a Left outer join). The left outer join will not be enforced if you leave the label field blank.
5. Publish the cube
6. When the user queries for Product Category and Measure from the fact table, empty rows from fact tables (which do not have a matching Product category) will appear against the "No Product Category" label in the query results.