How to Implement a Left Outer Join Between Fact-Dimension in AtScale

Using AtScale, when the user makes a Fact to Dimension Join, AtScale enforces Inner Join by default.

Use the following method to change the Join to a Left Outer Join (all rows from the Fact table and matching rows only from Dimension Tables)

1. In Design Canvas, navigate to a dimension
2. Double click on a hierarchy Level (on which you want to place the left outer Join)

How to Implement a Left Outer Join Between Fact-Dimension in AtScale1.png

3. The "Edit A Level" dialogue will be opened.
4. Under "Date Handling," check "Custom Empty Member" and define a label for the empty fact rows (the result of a Left outer join). The left outer join will not be enforced if you leave the label field blank.

How to Implement a Left Outer Join Between Fact-Dimension in AtScale2.png

5. Publish the cube
6. When the user queries for Product Category and Measure from the fact table, empty rows from fact tables (which do not have a matching Product category) will appear against the "No Product Category" label in the query results. 

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