Step-By-Step Instructions
How to Automate Support Bundles
Create a script that automatically sends the support bundle utilizing the Unix crontab scheduler and scripting. You can customize the script to identify where the location of the s...
How to Collect Aggregate Usage Details (# of hits, last-accessed-time, etc.) When the AtScale Engine Considers Aggregate as Unused
There is no simple rule to delete the aggregates based on utilization, last accessed time, etc. Instead, unused aggregates are deleted based on usage patterns across the cube. An...
How to Configure AtScale to Connect to HDFS Configured with HDFS HA
AtScale does not support HDFS namespace configuration. However, the AtScale client can be configured with two Namenodes configured for HA in the cluster. While configuring AtScale ...
How to Configure VARCHAR Size For Your Data Platform
A custom advanced engine setting, varcharLength.<yourDataPlatform> dictates the size of the VARCHAR. In most dialects, the absence of the VARCHAR length leads to consuming its max ...
How to Create, Edit and Delete a User with the API
One of the features of the AtScale API is the ability to create, edit, and delete a user. This opens up a lot of possibilities for automated and third-party administration. More AP...
How to Deploy the PowerBI Gateway with AtScale
Pre-requisites Azure AD and On-prem domains need to be joined or have pass-through login enabled between the two. If you log in to the Azure portal and look at Azure Active Direct...
How to Disable Demand-defined Aggregate Generation in User Settings Indefinitely
Go into the setting for each "Datasets" (Fact or Dimension) in the Design Center, and stop Aggregates from being created for each dataset. When you turn off the Aggregates at th...
How to disable the AtScale query cache
Begin by changing the engine parameter "query.cache.entry.sizeLimit" to 0.Next, modify the engine parameter:1. Navigate to SETTINGS --> Engine --> Query2. Change the value to 0 (de...
How to Download Support Logs and Upload to AtScale FTP Server
1. Log into Design Center as an Admin user 2. Navigate to SUPPORT => Support Bundles 3. Click "DOWNLOAD TODAY'S HISTORY" 4. Save the file. 5. Upload the support log: Navigate to ...
How to Enable AtScale to Use AWS Load Balancer
This procedure describes how to enable AtScale to use an AWS Load Balancer. AtScale only supports TCP for our thrift services. We do support HTTP for our XMLA protocol but if custo...
How to Enable Statistics for Impala SQL Engine When Hive SQL Engine is Used to Create Aggregates
When the Hive SQL engine is set up to create the aggregates, only the analyze table command is executed in Hive, which doesn't generate column stats in Impala.Enabling the computeT...
How to Enable System-generated Aggs Created Based on Joins
System-generated aggregates will include joins by enabling the engine's advanced setting `aggregates.create.joins.enabled` parameter. Log into Design Center UI as an admin user N...
How to Enable XMLA Query Size Protection
There are two custom advanced engine settings: query.language.mdx.cellLimit.enabled query.language.mdx.cellLimit.value To prevent large MDX result sets from hindering the AtScale...
How to Implement a Left Outer Join Between Fact-Dimension in AtScale
Using AtScale, when the user makes a Fact to Dimension Join, AtScale enforces Inner Join by default. Use the following method to change the Join to a Left Outer Join (all rows from...
How to implement a right outer join between fact-dimension joins
Symptom In AtScale, when the user makes a fact-to-dimension join, AtScale enforces inner joins by default. This article details a method of changing the join to be a right outer j...
How to implement parameterized measures in Power BI through AtScale
Symptom In Power BI, parameterized measures are typically created using local tables and measures, as illustrated below: Attempting to implement the above design using AtScale is...
How to install AI-Link
1. Install Jupyter brew install python3 unixodbc jupyterlab 2. Install required Python libraries pip3 install pandas plotly numpy requests pyodbc ipython-sql 3. Download the AtSca...
How to Install Standard Clustered AtScale
Requirements Set up the OS with the correct configuration. (ulimit, enough space, memory & CPU) Set up a load balancer with the correct target group Add load balancer DNS name in...
How to Install the Unlimited JCE Policy in the JDK and Check if JCE is Enabled
AtScale bundles the Oracle JDK within the shared folder of an install. Oracle does not include the unlimited JCE as the OpenJDK versions do. It may be necessary to install the un...
How to Integrate AtScale with Azure SAML
This procedure describes how to integrate AtScale with Azure Active Directory (AD) with the assumption that you have Azure AD & Active Directory services already configured. There...
How to Integrate DataDog Webhooks
This procedure describes how to integrate DataDog Webhooks with AtScale. In the Datadog Integrations menu, create an API key. Assign an API key for the webhook. In AtScale,...
How to Leverage Partition Pruning Functionality in Hive When Incrementally Building Aggregates
AtScale updates the system aggregates in two ways. One way is a full rebuild, where aggregates are built by running a query against base tables. The base data is the underlying ...
How to Manually Upload Summary Zip/Logs from the Command Line
The following UNIX script may collect 'Today's Logs' and upload them to the AtScale FTP site from the command line. This script can be executed from the AtScale Node. #!/bin/bash m...
How to minimize aggregate maintainer / stats checks
Symptom The system seems slow. By default, the jobs.aggregates.maintainer.frequency parameter is set to 1 hour. This means that the aggregate maintainer, stats checker, and orph...
How to Minimize AtScale Postgres Logging
By default, all AtScale statements are logged into Postgres, which translates to very large log files. This recommended approach will assist with debugging metadata-related errors...
How to Model Complex Related Dimensions
This document covers how to model complex related dimensional modeling in one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many relationships. Concept Please take a look at the data model a...
How to Move a Cube to a Different Database
Moving a cube to a different database can be accomplished in two different ways: You can edit each dataset and update the table reference to the new database. You can open the Pro...
How to propagate an AtScale query ID with the ID found in the SQL Engine
It is often helpful to correlate an AtScale query ID with the ID found in the SQL engine. To pass query ID as a SQL comment, add the following configuration in Engine Advanced con...
How to properly filter on AtScale measures in Tableau
Please watch this short instructional video on how to properly filter on AtScale measures in Tableau.
How to Rebuild User Defined & System Defined Aggregates at Regular Intervals
If you want to rebuild User Defined & System Defined Aggregates at regular intervals, try one of the following methods: Make use of scheduler to schedule Agg rebuilds (https://doc...