How to Manually Upload Summary Zip/Logs from the Command Line

The following UNIX script may collect 'Today's Logs' and upload them to the AtScale FTP site from the command line. 

This script can be executed from the AtScale Node.

mkdir /tmp/AtScalelogs

# Remove silent and output options if the script does nothing to see what the error is
curl --silent  -o /tmp/AtScalelogs/Logs-`hostname`-`date +%d-%h-%y-%H-%M`.zip http://localhost:10502/support/all?today=true
curl --silent --output /dev/null -X POST -F 'myfiles=@'`ls /tmp/AtScalelogs/Logs-*.zip`  --user atscale:atscale_upload
sleep 10m
rm -rf /tmp/AtScalelogs  

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