How to Take a Thread Dump of the Engine Process

 Use the following steps to identify the engine Java process and collect thread dump information:

1. Find PID using "ps -ef" command.  

63927 is used to run the Java process in this example.  

Note the Java path of the Java bin directory for the next command:

# ps -ef | grep engine
atscaler 63324 63297  1 Sep25 ?        07:35:42 /opt/atscale/versions/2020.3.1.2003/pkg/jdk/bin/java -XX:+UseStringDeduplication 
-Xms250m -server -Xmx8192M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary 

2. Take the jstack and redirect to a file using PID from the previous step:

 # /opt/atscale/versions/2020.3.1.2003/pkg/jdk/bin/jstack 63297 2>&1 > /tmp/jstack.tmp

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