How do I adjust the session and idle session timeouts for AtScale UI?
Answer: These are set in the Security tab --> Realm Setting. When Client Session Settings are left blank, they will inherit the SSO Session Settings.
Can changes to user permissions in the identity provider automatically propagate to container-based AtScale?
Situation: Container-based AtScale is configured to use an identity provider aka IdP (independent of protocol). The AtScale identity broker service is configured to do role-based ...
Why does my encoded cert get rejected?
Problem Description: When attempting to open the identity broker, you get an error "We're Sorry... Invalid parameter: redirect_url". Unable to enter the identity broker interface....
How can I find how many deployed semantic objects we have?
Answer: Navigate to the Settings / License page. In the Usage Details section, you will find the quantity of Deployed objects. See image below for an example. This was introduce...
What is the AtScale Developer Edition?
Answer: The AtScale Developer Edition is a free semantic layer platform created to build shareable semantic models encouraging analytics for everyone. It enables developers to cre...
Can we configure AtScale to use our existing k8 clustered services like Redis or Postgres?
Answer: No. AtScale’s container technology is modeled for Kubernetes orchestration, and installation is designed for Helm Chart deployment. While micro-service architected, AtSca...
Why do I have to re-enter my Git credentials every time I log into AtScale from a different browser or laptop?
Answer: The browser acts like a Git thin client; the browser is the integrated development environment. As such, the Git credential is localized to only that browser.
I cannot find the work that I did on my data model yesterday; what happened to my work?
Answer: AtScale development work that is being done via the AtScale UI is happening in local browser storage. It’s only persisted to the Git platform once the developer commits th...
If I have multiple data models in my repo, can I deploy just one data model?
Answer: No, the deployment process is at the repo level. This can be effectively navigated by adopting industry best practices for proper git repo and branch structuring. The imp...
Is there a risk of losing my work by developing my data model only in the browser memory?
Answer: A thin-client (browser) Git client affords the developer the flexibility to commit work to the code repo while not requiring a desktop installation. While browser failure ...
Do my Git credentials have to match my AtScale credentials?
Answer: Git users do not have to synchronize with the same IdP as AtScale users. The trusted handshake comes by way of the token. For example - if the Git admin wants to assign pri...
How do we track what's been deployed to the engine without requiring a commit to Git?
Answer: The AtScale UI is a Git client and an AtScale Engine client. In order to maximize flexibility, the AtScale UI does not create a dependency between these two functions. Goo...
Containerized AtScale: Glossary
With the introduction of containerized AtScale, there are many new concepts and terms used. Note that the following terms are used interchangeably: containerized AtScale, contain...